IEA ISGAN releases it's Public Annual Report 2019

The Annual Report 2019 provides an overview of ISGAN’s ongoing research activities and main achievements towards Smart Grid development and deployment to ensure a reliable, economically competitive and environmentally sustainable electricity system as the cornerstone of a modern society.

ISGAN proudly looks back at numerous highlights and achievements in 2019. The activities of ISGAN are organized in Annexes. In contrast to other IEA TCPs, these Annexes are standing working groups that continuously work on Smart Grids-related topics and regularly update their plans and objectives for the upcoming year at the spring meetings of the Executive Committee.

Of particular importance were events and workshops which attracted a very high level of interest both within ISGAN and externally.

  • Activities during CEM 10
    • ISGAN and Mission Innovation (MI) Innovation Challenge 1 on Smart Grids (IC1) co-organized the first joint CEM/ISGAN/MI IC1 forum on Cooperation to Accelerate Smart Grid Market Uptake , a full-day  CEM10/MI-4 side event on 29 May 2019 at the Vancouver convention center. There, ministers from over 25 countries gathered to accelerate progress toward a clean energy future.
    • Award ceremony announcing the winning project of the 2019 ISGAN Award of Excellence.
  • Highly recognized public workshops back-to-back with ExCo meetings
    • Stockholm: Public Workshop in cooperation with the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Smart Grid Forum: “The future of electricity markets in a low carbon economy”, 2 April 2019.
    • Stockholm: Interdisciplinary workshop with IEA DHC TS3 and ISGAN
    • Montreux: Public Workshop “Needs, challenges and opportunities of TSO-DSO coordination”
    • Montreux: Open workshop “EERA Smart Grid/SIRFN workshop”
    • Annex 6: Open workshop “Micro vs MEGA grids – trends influencing the development of the power system
  • Thematic knowledge exchange events (KTP)
    • Experimental Sandboxes for Smart Grids, Stockholm, 2019, in cooperation with the Swedish Smart Grids Forum and ICER International Confederation of Energy Regulators. This event was cooperatively organized by ISGAN Annexes 2, 4, 7 and 8.
    • Focus on upscaling, Montreux, 2019. This project was the third in the series of KTP workshops concerning public funding. It was organized by Annex 2 and 4.
  • Development of a communication strategy and action plan
  • Public Support to Smart Grid RD&I
  • Development of a web-based tool using a combination of CBA and multi-criteria analysis

More details on ISGAN activities in the past year can be read in the full report available online and in print versions.


This report was prepared by the Secretariat of the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN). ISGAN is organized as the Implementing Agreement for a Co-operative Programme on Smart Grids and operates under the framework of Technology Collaboration Programmes created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of any of ISGAN’s participants, any of their sponsoring governments or organizations, the IEA Secretariat, or any of its member countries. No warranty is ex-pressed or implied, no legal liability or responsibility assumed for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, and no representation made that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring.


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