23rd Meeting of the Executive Committee of ISGAN

ISGAN is looking back at a very interesting 23rd meeting of its Executive Committee. Already on the first day of the 3-day meeting (March 9th-11th, 2022) two very exciting parallel sessions took place.

One focused on the continuation of work done previously in the Power System Flexibility Initiative in ISGAN. The other discussed the topic Stepping up ambition of CEM initiatives.  

The second day was fully dedicated to the ISGAN Working groups. ISGAN took the opportunity of the request for extension for the next 5-year period to perform a strategy process. As a result of this a new Working Group dedicated to the dissemination and communication of ISGAN results was created. The first Programme of Work of this working group was discussed. Also, the other 5 Working groups of ISGAN presented their Programmes of Work for the year 2022.  

On the third day ISGAN welcomed presenters from Mission Innovation Irmgard Herold and from the Global Smart Energy Federation, Dr. Reiji Kumar Pilai. Both presented recent developments and plans in their organizations and possible interactions as well as the Letters of Intent with both organizations were discussed. 

Finally, the meeting participants acknowledged the high level of commitment and excellent work that Maarten Noeninckx has done for ISGAN. Maarten leaves ISGAN as Vice-Chair and delegate for Belgium. The work he has done over the years as head of the Budget Review Group was also very highly recognized. 

The ExCo Meeting was followed by a Side Event organized by the Working Group on Flexibility Markets where Energy Systems Catapult presented their findings from the Energy Digitalisation Taskforce. 

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