Workshop on Intelligent market design – boosting global smart grid deployment

ISGAN side event at the Clean Energy Ministerial meeting on 23 May 2018 in Malmö.

How should energy markets be designed to allow for energy system integration and a greater variety of stakeholders and roles? And what are the key elements in market design that we must focus on to accelerate deployment of smart grid technologies and solutions? These are key questions that will be discussed during a highly interactive international dialogue.

The outcome of the dialogue will provide input to a high-level panel discussion in Copenhagen the next day – in connection to CEM – focusing on concrete policy recommendations pushing the market design agenda forward.

Event type

Malmö Live, Dag Hammarskjölds Torg 4, 211 18 Malmö

Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) and Swedish Smartgrid

Contact information

Event website

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