Intended audience
Researchers, policy makers and regulatory agents, practitioners, system operators, and other Power system engineers, from students to senior experts.
Key messages
The new DVPP concept fully integrates the dynamic aspects at all levels: locally (for each RES generator), globally (for grid ancillary services and interaction with other neighbour elements of the grid) and economically (for internal optimal dispatch and participation to electricity markets)
A DVPP is a set of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) along with a set of control and operation procedures. This means methodologies for:
- choosing the participating RES, optimal and continuous operation as a whole (especially in case of loss of natural resources – e.g., wind, sun – on a part of the DVPP),
- regulation (in the dynamic sense) to ensure local objectives for each generator,
- participation to ancillary services of the DVPP as a unit and to diminish negative effects of interaction with neighbour dynamics elements of the power system,
- integration in both actual power systems scenarios (with mixed classic and power electronics-based generation) and future ones with high degree of RES penetration
Further information