October 10, 2018

ISGAN Side Event at CEM9 – Policy Brief and Workshop Summary

Opportunities to Accelerate Smart Grid Deployment through Innovative Market Design - jointly organized with the Swedish Smart Grid Forum (23rd and 24th May - as part of the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmö and Copenhagen)

The purpose of this report is to present an overview of the results from the workshop and high-level panel discussion, “Intelligent market design – boosting global smart grid deployment,” organized by International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) and the Swedish Smart Grid Forum in conjunction with the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), 24 May 2018 and as a part of the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmö and Copenhagen.
The report gives a summary of the discussions and conclusions from the workshop and includes the background policy brief prepared by representatives from the organizers based on relevant position papers and studies from, for example, ISGAN, IEA, and IRENA as well as individual feedback from ISGAN national experts and the Swedish Smart Grid Forum representatives. The final version presented here also includes input received during the workshop on May 23.

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October 8, 2018

ISGAN Annual Report 2017

Implementing Agreement for a Co-Operative Programme on Smart Grids. Annual Report 2017 for the period from March 1st 2017 to February 28th, 2018

Key Achievements in 2017

• Being a CEM initiative and IEA TCP, ISGAN continues to be a trusted partner and a center of expertise for
a growing number of Smart Grid-related activities and events, such as India Smart Grid Week and the
European Utility Week.
• A workshop on “Smart Grids Transitions – System Solutions and Consumer Behavior” and corresponding
conference and dialogue sessions on socio-economic framework conditions for the replication of Smart
Grid solutions were organized at the 8th International Sustainability Transition Conference Gothenburg,
Sweden, in June 2017.
• ISGAN has co-hosted several webinars with the Clean Energy Solutions Center and co-organized highly
recognized public workshops, such as “Building the Flexible Power Systems” in Genk, Belgium in September
2017, co-hosted by Belgium’s FPS Economy, SME, Self-Employed and Energy and EnergyVille, and
supported by the Global Smart Grid Federation (GSGF).
• ISGAN’s Annex 2 conducted a successful knowledge transfer project (KTP) workshop during the 14th
meeting of the Executive Committee in Genk, Belgium, in September 2017. The hands-on workshop
caused a great interest among the ISGAN community and secured plans for future workshop editions (see
Highlight on page 15).
• In partnership with India’s Ministry of Power, Powergrid Corporation of India, Ltd, and Central Power Research
Institute, two ISGAN working groups organized a knowledge exchange event in Bangalore, India
in November 2017. The event brought together leading Indian and international participants from public
and private sectors as well as from academia. The experts exchanged best practices on catalyzing Smart
Grid developments in the area of local grids, especially focusing on the integration of distributed renewable
energy sources and deployment of microgrids.
• ISGAN’s working group on power transmission and distribution systems (Annex 6) supported knowledge
sharing on opportunities for more flexible electricity grids through its discussion papers on system efficiency
and a single marketplace for flexibility.
• ISGAN’s working group on cost-benefit analyses and toolkits (Annex 3) completed its assessment of cost
benefit analysis (CBA) applied to large-scale Smart Grids projects. It defined new metrics to properly
consider asymmetrically shared impacts and benefits and developed a new tool based on a combination of
multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and CBA.
• The ISGAN Academy (Annex8) has been launching new webinars on Smart Grids topics presented by leading
experts in the field every few months.

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October 1, 2018

MC-CBA toolkit: model and case study

In this document the mathematical model of the MC-CBA framework is described. This framework is exploited by original software, the MC-CBA toolkit. This software integrates the CBA within an MCA process. The MC-CBA toolkit allows for an output-based assessment of the alternatives based on an automated comparison procedure. To describe the features of the MC-CBA toolkit, a case study related to the project selection among different smart grid development plans is presented.

Nowadays, due to the increasing presence of distributed energy resources and the integration of automation and communication technologies the electric power system is evolving towards the smart grid paradigm. Typically, smart grid projects are responsible of wide range impacts which span from the electrical power system to the entire society. Often, these impacts are not easily quantifiable thus an assessment based on their monetary value is not attainable. In this context, traditional approaches as the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) become unfit. The reliable assessment of several planning options can be obtained by using hybrid approaches which combine monetary appraisal tools within a generalised framework based on multi-criteria analysis (MCA). A combined MC-CBA approach preserves the advantages of each methodology while overcoming the respective weaknesses. This report describes the mathematical model of the MC-CBA framework for smart grid projects proposed in previous research activities. This model is exploited by the original software MC-CBA toolkit, which is presented in this document. The MC-CBA toolkit aims at supporting the decision makers by providing an assessment framework which rejects any personal bias by preserving the stakeholders’ interests. In fact, the MC-CBA toolkit allows for an output-based assessment of the smart grid alternatives based on an automated comparison procedure. The MC-CBA toolkit decomposes the decision-making problem by dividing the impacts in three main areas: economic impacts, the contribution towards the smart grid realisation, the externality impacts. The calculation procedure for identifying the best option of the set under analysis relies on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In order to illustrate the effectiveness of the MC-CBA toolkit, a case study focused on project selection among different smart grid development plans is presented. More specifically, a set of different upgrading plans based on the Active Distribution Network (ADN) approach and the siting and sizing of distributed energy storage is analysed. The MC-CBA toolkit helps the decision maker to identify the best smart grid investment option; the final aim is to provide a reliable support tool for effectively orienting the investments and the regulatory policies on smart grids.

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June 15, 2018

System Efficiency

In the era of deployment of a smarter and more sustainable energy system, an overall perspective of system efficiency becomes increasingly important.

System efficiency is a multifaceted concept, which in the present document is broken down in the dimensions of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, energy and economic efficiency.
In order to improve the efficiency of a given system there are a number of available solutions at the disposal of policymakers and market actors. In this work, five action areas have been chosen and defined – multi-energy systems, electric storage, electric mobility, demand side management and automation & sensor technologies – and a review of activities and initiatives currently underway in several countries has been presented.
The efficiency measures and indicators identified in this report are key for bringing about the vision of an environmentally friendly and economically profitable electrical energy system, although some alternatives are not yet at a stage where they could be readily deployed in a systematic or widespread manner. In these cases and depending on the specific circumstances, regulatory policies and support measures can provide guidance and sustenance to overcome the uncertainties of future developments and promote potentially promising solutions.

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13 Jun 2018 @ 14:00 CEST

(check your local time)
Duration: 1h
The webinar offers a new approach to least-cost electrification planning, deciding down to each individual customer the best (least-cost) supply model, whether grid connection, distributed off-grid microgrids, or even a DC solar kit or an AC stand-alone solar system. By dealing with distributed electrification technologies, smart grid compatible off-grid technologies, demand management or digital utilities, in the context of developing countries, where 1.2 billion people still lack any electricity supply and around 500 million more suffer from a very low reliability and frequent blackouts, the savings offered by this comprehensive approach contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7, ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.


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June 6, 2018

Factsheet on ISGAN’s Knowledge Transfer Project

This factsheet briefly describes ISGAN's approach to the knowledge transfer project, a platform for meaningful dialogue and capacity building to facilitate smart grid deployment.


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February 13, 2018

Webinar “Planning of Distribution Systems in the Era of Smart Grids”

Webinar of the ISGAN Academy “Planning of Distribution Systems in the Era of Smart Grids”, which will took place on February 14th, 2018.

The webinar deals with distribution planning in the era of smart grids. It is based on the CIGRE WG C6.19 activity. The main topics of the webinar are:

  • Role and objectives of distribution planning
  • Shortcomings of traditional planning in the current context
  • Distribution planning in the era of Smart Grids
    • Load and generation representation, flexibility
    • Probabilistic models for distribution planning
    • Multi objective optimization
    • Smart Grid in distribution planning
  • Multi-energy systems
  • Cyber-physical simulation
  • Example of application and case studies

Watch the webinar or find out more at Leonardo Energy.

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