WG 3 Cost-Benefit Analysis and Toolkits


The primary objective of Working Group 3 (WG3) is to develop a global framework and related analyses that can identify, define, and quantify in a standardized way the benefits that can be realized from the demonstration and deployment of smart grid technologies and practices in an electricity system.

More specifically, WG3 develops tools used by analysts, regulators, utilities, and other electricity system stakeholders. These tools help define and decide on system needs and priorities for smart grid system investment and regulatory changes. Results help develop specific business cases, considering specific regulatory and market structures, current system status, demand profiles, and available generation assets and resources.

In their analysis, different ISGAN countries are likely to prioritize distinct domains within the power sector. Therefore, in developing methodological frameworks and tools, a broad definition of smart grid is adopted to encompass the full range of technologies and activities from centralized power generation to transmission and distribution networks end uses and distributed generation, and different energy vectors. The CBA-MCA tool is also used for sector coupling and evaluating various integrated energy systems.

WG 3 continues to leverage existing knowledge and experience gained in different participating countries, as well as current international efforts underway and cooperation among major smart grids stakeholders globally. 

Working Group 3 Tasks

  • Task 1: Online tool improvement and dissemination
    • Subtask 1.1    Analysis of the state of the art on the uncertainty integration in CBA/MCA tools
    • Subtask 1.2    Analysis of online tools for flexibility assessment
    • Subtask 1.3    ISGAN MCA/CBA platform updates and design
    • Subtask 1.4    Promotion of the ISGAN MCA/CBA platform
  • Task 2: Identification of suitable regulatory frameworks to foster flexibility
    • Subtask 2.1    Methodologies for assessing the needed flexibility
    • Subtask 2.2    Analysis of the state of the art on market models
    • Subtask 2.3    Case studies identification and analysis


Published documents from Working Group 3 are found here:

Working Group Manager
Working Group Lead


Fabrizio Pilo

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Simona Ruggeri

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

[Lead] ItalyRussia
European CommissionSouth Africa
Republic of KoreaUnited Kingdom
MexicoUnited States

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