December 7, 2023

Brazil Joins ISGAN, Expanding Global Collaboration

Brazil's ISGAN membership was made official on 6 December 2023, during a signing ceremony at COP28 in Dubai (UAE)

We are delighted to announce that Brazil has become the newest member of the ISGAN community.  Brazil’s membership not only signifies its commitment to fostering innovative international partnerships but also expands ISGAN’s reach across six continents, enabling the entire ISGAN community to better address grid challenges worldwide.


The new membership was made official on 6 December 2023, during the COP28 in Dubai (UAE). The signing ceremony was attended by members of the Brazilian National Electric System Operator (ONS), who attended on behalf of Brazil: Luiz Carlos Ciocchi, CEO, and Christiano Vieira da Silva, Operation Director. Also attending were Luciano Martini, Chair of ISGAN, John Ward, Vice Chair of ISGAN, and Francesco Corvaro, the Italian Special Envoy for Climate Change. The ceremony underscored the importance of Brazil’s inclusion and the collective determination to identify emerging advances, share best practices, and raise high-level government awareness of the value and impact of smarter grids.

Luciano Martini, Chair of ISGAN, expressed his appreciation of Brazil’s inclusion, stating, “We have now acquired a very valuable Brazilian partner that can assist ISGAN in comprehending and addressing grid challenges alongside innovation-specific needs, with a focus on South American countries.” Through collaborations with strategic partners like the International Energy Agency (IEA), Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), and others, ISGAN aims to drive the development of smarter grids globally. Brazil promises to broaden ISGAN’s perspective on integrating high shares of renewables and facilitating regional energy trade.

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December 4, 2023

ISGAN Lighthouse Project: Illuminating Pathways for Smart Grid Development

A new project will initiate closer collaboration between ISGAN's six working groups to address the essential role of smart distribution grids in reaching the global pledges to triple renewable energy and accelerate energy efficiency.

The ISGAN 2022 annual report shows the impact of ISGAN’s six working groups through their achievements. Looking ahead, we are launching an ambitious new initiative called the Lighthouse Project which will leverage synergies and facilitate collaboration between our working groups on a unified theme, namely: “Smart Distribution Grids Powering the Energy Transition.”

Distribution is crucial: The energy system is becoming more and more complex with prosumers at the grid edge who not only consume but also produce and feed in energy. To put it simply: The electric grid is changing from a one-way street into a multi-lane motorway. Therefore, a holistic, interdisciplinary approach is needed to configure smart grids and leverage flexibility at the distribution level. 

The Lighthouse Project will identify specific activities and stakeholders to address these challenges. By pooling the expertise within ISGAN, we aim to bundle the knowledge existing in ISGAN, draw further insights from our international partners, and create accessible and impactful exchanges of information and best practices.  

Hence, we have set up the Lighthouse Project as a transnational initiative that facilitates enhanced collaboration between workstreams in the international energy ecosystem and relevant stakeholders at the local, regional, and national levels involved in distribution grid modernization.

An integral part of the Lighthouse Project is a knowledge-sharing process (KSP). The KSP is a structured, interactive methodology developed within ISGAN since 2016, enabling effective international co-creation of impactful outcomes on key themes. One of the primary goals of this process is to provide policy guidance and tailored recommendations addressing distribution grid challenges. We aim to present the results of the first phase of the ISGAN Lighthouse Project in conjunction with the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM15) in Brazil in October 2024.


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November 21, 2023

Dr. John K Ward elected Vice Chair of the ISGAN Executive Committee

Dr. Ward currently serves as the Research Director of the Energy Systems Research Program at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Decarbonising our energy systems is a key challenge for Australian and global action to achieve net zero emissions. Australian electricity systems provide the most mature range of options for both immediate and long-term decarbonisation and Dr Ward’s work on Smart Grids directly supports this – facilitating increased uptake of renewable energy and improving utilisation of infrastructure to allow this transition while managing electricity system security, reliability, and costs. One example of this has been through incorporating the CSIRO Renewable Energy Integration Facility (REIF) as a member of the International Energy Agency’s Smart Grid International Research Facility Network (SIRFN), which has helped international laboratories adopt a more consistent unified framework for evaluating the relative merits of various inverter standards and helping lift global best practice.

Dr. Ward aims to help ISGAN improve international collaboration – avoiding duplication and accelerating progress through knowledge sharing, including with countries that have not traditionally been part of such collaborations. His dedication to fostering unity and knowledge exchange underscores his commitment to advancing solutions for the critical issue of climate change.

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November 14, 2023

Smart Grid Tour during ExCo26 in Utrecht

As part of ISGAN ExCo26, members explored a local site featuring three Dutch smart grid projects.

After our recent ExCo26 meeting in Utrecht, members were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit a site showcasing three remarkable smart grid projects. This visit provided invaluable insights into the latest advancements and innovations in smart grid implementation, particularly in relation to the integration of buildings and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

One of the projects on display was SmoothEMS with Gridshield. This cutting-edge grid tool demonstrates the seamless integration of smart energy management technologies. By focusing on the capabilities and behaviors of EV charging, this project works to develop a reliable and resilient power supply for neighborhoods and promote energy efficiency and reduced reliance on fossil fuels.

Next, we saw some of the infrastructure for A.S.R. VAP DC. This project provides research results on the application in charging plazas of the Droop Rate Control Strategy for active DC grids that can autonomously regulate variable supply (solar energy), demand (cars, lighting) and even storage capacity and grid configuration (Vehicle-to-Grid via ISO). This innovation has great potential for the growth market of large office buildings that want to significantly reduce their carbon footprint by creating EV charging plazas. Indeed, ASR has a dedicated gas-free garage that makes optimal use of green energy. As a result, ASR is already complying with the Paris Proof Commitment and have the BREEAM in-use certificate at an excellent level.

Finally, we learned about MOOI TROEF, a remarkable “Internet-of-Energy” platform that shows how to achieve more value through collaboration. TROEF shows the potential for enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability by incorporating real-time data analytics, predictive control algorithms, and demand response capabilities to help users to understand the optimal time and source the right energy at the right time. Overall, the project demonstrates how smarter choices can help reduce the CO2 footprint, reduce costs, and give users more value on their investment in green energy.

The visit left a lasting impression and highlighted the possibilities for smart grid implementation. Such projects are crucial in driving the transition towards a sustainable and resilient energy future.

More information about the 3 projects can be found here:

SmoothEMS met Gridshield • Projecten • ElaadNL

Homepage – TROEF sharing energy (

Veilig en autonoom regelend PV laadplein met DC-distributie – Topsector Energie

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November 3, 2023

9th ISGAN Awards Webinar: Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Grid

28 November 2023 09:00 CET - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar presenting the 9th ISGAN Awards: Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Grid

The annual ISGAN Award of Excellence recognizes excellence in smart grid projects, policies, and programs around the world. Each round of the competition focuses on one or more themes that showcase innovative solutions for critical aspects of grid modernization.

At this event, ISGAN will honour excellence on “Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Grid,” in partnership with Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF).

This round of award competition highlights the critical role of AI technologies for smart grids in accelerating decarbonization and the necessity of modernization. During the webinar, honorees will share project highlights that can be adapted or adopted in other markets and regions.

By showcasing exemplars in the global smart grid community, the event will promote the exchange of lessons learned and emerging best practices, as well as the creation of a shared understanding of the value that smarter, more flexible electricity systems can bring.



Intended audience

policy makers, junior engineers and students, senior engineers, etc.


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November 2, 2023

WEBINAR: Development of Digital Twin Capability in the UK energy sector

23 November 2023 13:30 CET - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar in collaboration with Working Group 9 on the digital twinning capability for energy markets

In this webinar, ISGAN Working Group 9 (WG9) will explore the projects’ developments concerning the digital twinning capability in the UK energy market and their potential implications for future interactions. This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these projects are contributing to the evolution of the energy industry.


Greg Johnston (Energy Systems Catapult)

Charmalee Jayamaha (Energy Systems Catapult)

Intended audience

Individuals working on digitalisation of energy systems; primarily senior technical staff, policymakers, data experts.

Key messages

– Data licensing, standardisation and interoperability are key emergent issues
– Standardised patterns for sharing data is a key component to drive interoperability.

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November 2, 2023

WEBINAR: Bridging the Gap between Energy Operators and Research Outcomes

15 November 2023 14:00 CET - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar in collaboration with CRESYM on the new era of energy research and distribution system operation and planning

Europe’s swiftly changing energy landscape is confronted with pressing challenges, underscoring the need for collaborative Research & Development (R&D) efforts centered on producing open-source energy system simulation tools. In pursuit of this goal, CRESYM champions open-source principles, fostering efficient collaborations that tackle low-TRL R&D topics of wide interest by maintaining technological advancements accessible to all researchers and engineers. During this webinar, we’ll highlight significant milestones from CRESYM’s main project within the smart grid domain.

CRESYM is a non-profit association, gathering industry players and research organisations, and undertaking research actions to solve the energy sector’s upcoming challenges. After power system stability, and multienergy matters, it calls for volunteering operators to set up a research program to unlock remaining barriers for the digitalisation of distribution networks.

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Intended audience

Senior engineers and decision makers of Distribution Network Operators, who face key digitalisation issues, and ready to share their needs (and possibly, but not compulsorily, fund) a research program that would address them.

Key messages

  • CRESYM invites energy operators to share their research needs and organises research projects.
  • CRESYM increase the visibility of, and acces to, research outcomes, while relieving their inventors of the related maintenance burden.
  • CRESYM enlarges its activity to distribution matters and invites distribution operators to join.

Further information


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October 25, 2023

ISGAN Chair, Luciano Martini participates in the Latin American Smart Grid Forum

In September 2023, the Latin American Smart Grid Forum convened experts from 22 countries and 20 Brazilian states in São Paulo, Brazil to address the urgent need for energy network integration across the region.

In September 2023, the Latin American Smart Grid Forum convened experts from 22 countries and 20 Brazilian states in São Paulo, Brazil to address the urgent need for energy network integration across the region. Along with ISGAN, multinational collaborators like the Global Smart Energy Federation and India’s Smart Grid Forum reinforced the power of global cooperation in propelling progress.

During an international panel on “Best Practices for the Requalification of Energy Systems for the Energy Transition,” ISGAN Chair Luciano Martini and speakers from across the world emphasized how the rise of distributed and renewable resources, digitalization, climate impacts, and potential market openings necessitate more nimble, resilient grids.

Other panels addressed the unique characteristics of Brazilian and Latin American grids including:

The urgent need to requalify the current energy transmission and distribution networks, adapting to the growing presence of distributed energy resources, renewable generation, energy storage, electric vehicles, and potential market openings.

How this requalification is integral to the energy transition, especially considering the unique characteristics of Latin American countries: The rise in solar generation, digitalization of consumer units, and climate change impacts demand adaptability and investment in reinforcing existing networks.

Addressing the need to replace aging infrastructure and enhance service resilience, which requires substantial investments, timely prioritization, and regulatory planning.

Highlighting the importance of establishing a long-term public policy that supports and incentivizes network modernization, echoing practices in other countries that provide quality services at reasonable prices.

By convening influential voices and exploring pathways forward, events like the Latin American Smart Grid Forum help energize momentum for building the flexible, sustainable networks of the future. The region’s energy transition relies on continued collaboration to adapt infrastructure and implement innovations amidst ongoing evolution. ISGAN will continue to share knowledge and best practices and looks forward to having more contracting partners to cover this region.

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October 15, 2023

WG9 presentation at the Austrian Technology Platform on Smart Grids

On 09.10.2023 the autumn meeting of the Technology Platform Smart Grid Austria took place in Vienna with the members and hosts of Austrian Power Grid AG and Beckhoff Automation. The meeting focused on artificial intelligence and cyber security in the power grid and smart grid. As part of the presentation of ISGAN activities by Helfried Brunner, Sarah Fanta presented content and results from Working Group 9.

The Technology Platform Smart Grids Austria is an association of relevant stakeholders in the field of electrical power supply. The Platform was founded in 2008 with the support of the Climate and Energy Fund, the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Ministry of Economy and since then the FEEI – association of electrical and electronic industries and Oesterreichs Energie support as host organizations.

The aim of the Platform is to pool joint forces for future intelligent electricity grids in order to support an energy- and cost- efficient system operation.

Synergies through coordination of stakeholders from industry, energy sector, research and public bodies should be used efficiently.

Austrian expertise in smart grids ise strengthened by flagship projects and made visible internationally.

You can find here more information on the platform.

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October 13, 2023

ExCo 26 in Utrecht, Netherlands

Recap of the 26th ISGAN Executive Committee (ExCo) meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands

The 26th ISGAN Executive Committee (ExCo) meeting took place in Utrecht, Netherlands, from September 26th to 28th, 2023. The meeting brought together delegates and experts from around the world to explore the latest developments and best practices in smart grid initiatives, with a strong focus on developing international best practices and implementing policies that can accelerate the global transition to clean energy systems.

The meeting commenced with an opening address by Jean-François Gagné, Head of Secretariat at the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). Gagné emphasized the importance of “Insights,” “Impacts,” and “Inspiration” in achieving the transition to clean energy. This set the stage to highlight the recent collaborations between CEM and ISGAN in driving momentum towards this shared goal and to preview upcoming events such as COP28 and CEM15 in Brazil.

During the second morning session, delegates and working group managers engaged in discussions aimed at aligning their work and expertise with ISGAN’s overarching objectives through a Lighthouse Project. This innovative initiative aims to bring together ISGAN working group’s diverse perspectives and leverage collective strengths to maximize the impact of smart grid actions.

In the afternoon sessions, ISGAN members provided updates on ongoing collaborations and partnerships with the International Energy Agency (IEA), European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET), and Global Power System Transformation (GPFM). These collaborations enable the sharing of valuable insights, the pooling of resources, and the promotion of best practices in sustainable energy across the globe.

In the afternoon, members heard from IEA’s Hydrogen TCP co-chair Marcel Weeda. Marcel spoke about the potential of hydrogen for unlocking the full capacity of variable renewable energy sources. Hydrogen continues to be a promising solution for energy storage and grid balancing, offering new possibilities for integrating renewable energy into existing power systems.


The second day of the ExCo focused on working groups, beginning with new programs of work for WG5 and WG7. WG5: Smart Grid International Research Facility Network (SIRFN) addresses various testing-related topics, including microgrids, power system dynamics, distributed energy resources (DER), active distribution networks, electrical vehicles, and cyber-physical energy systems. WG5 manager Ron Brandl discussed how to the group will continue their work with benchmark systems/models, real-time and co-simulation, rapid control prototyping, test automation, and grid codes and standards.

Next, Branislav Iglár of WG7: Smart Grids Transitions showed their group’s new, more comprehensive approach, drawing on frameworks such as sustainability transitions and reflexive governance. WG7 has recently repositioned itself to address the institutional, governance, and socio-technical challenges associated with the long-term deployment of smart grids. These frameworks provide guidance for policy intervention strategies to facilitate successful smart grid transitions.

In the afternoon “World Café,” members had the opportunity to engage with Working Group Managers in small-group discussions. Each table focused on a different action area of smart grid development, fostering conversations, sharing experiences, and exploring potential collaborations to further advance smart grid initiatives.


The final day of the meeting included a visit and update from Reji Kumar Pillai, Chair of the Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF). GSEF and ISGAN continue to have an MOU and strong cooperation, primarily through the annual Awards of Excellence.

Finally, members made a site visit to the headquarters of ASR Insurance Company in Utrecht. The demonstration featured the “Smooth EMS: GridShield Project,” which examines the interchanges between smart grids and electric vehicles. By gauging and predicting the driving and charging behaviors of dozens of EV owners, emerging products like GridShield can help smooth out spikes in demand and reduce the possibility of overloading local grids.

The ISGAN ExCo meeting in Utrecht showcased the commitment and collaborative efforts of global stakeholders in advancing smart grid actions. Special thanks to Nicole Kerkhof-Damen and her team for hosting the 26th ExCo meeting and giving our members the opportunity to gain firsthand exposure to innovative solutions and technologies.

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September 27, 2023

Flexibility for Resilience – policy message

Power system infrastructure is becoming more digitally connected to ensure safer, more efficient, and decarbonized future. The challenge is that this infrastructure is becoming increasingly vulnerable the more connected it becomes. As geopolitical tensions and security of energy supply shape power system this decade, energy professionals are ready to offer different solutions to keep the lights on towards a reliable and resilient future.

The key policy message prepared based on the ISGAN and IEA Digital Demand-Driven Electricity Networks (3DEN) cooperation initiative and an international high-level expert workshop “Flexibility for resilience in integrated systems”, to enhance international collaboration and research, share best practices and provide policy guidance on deploying flexibility for resilience.

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September 20, 2023

WEBINAR: Enticing residential consumers to become electricity flexibility providers

25 October 2023 13:00 CEST - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar on enticing residential consumers to become electricity flexibility providers

Many studies have attested the manifold barriers that residential consumers find to become providers of flexibility services. A research with consumers shows unmet needs that can be tapped unto to create value for consumers. In the BeFlexible project we propose five value propositions that can be used to sell flexibility services to residential consumers.

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Intended audience

Policy makers, senior and junior engineers, ESCOs and aggregators.

Key messages

Flexibility provision creates value for consumer.

Five value propositions to entice consumers to become flexibility providers.

Further information

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September 20, 2023

WEBINAR: Optimal bidding and operation of DVPPs under uncertainties

18 October 2023 12:00 CEST - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar on optimal bidding and operation of DVPPs under uncertainties

In this webinar, recent results on the optimal bidding and operation of DVPPs considering different types of uncertainties will be presented. Energy and ancillary service market participation is defined by means of a novel robust optimization algorithm. Energy and service provision are then guaranteed close-to-real-time through a continuous optimal redispatch tool.

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Intended audience

Researchers, policy makers and regulatory agents, practitioners, system operators, and other Power system engineers, from students to senior experts.

Key messages

The new DVPP concept fully integrates the dynamic aspects at all levels: locally (for each RES generator), globally (for grid ancillary services and interaction with other neighbour elements of the grid) and economically (for internal optimal dispatch and participation to electricity markets)

A DVPP is a set of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) along with a set of control and operation procedures. This means methodologies for:

  • choosing the participating RES, optimal and continuous operation as a whole (especially in case of loss of natural resources – e.g., wind, sun – on a part of the DVPP),
  • regulation (in the dynamic sense) to ensure local objectives for each generator,
  • participation to ancillary services of the DVPP as a unit and to diminish negative effects of interaction with neighbour dynamics elements of the power system,
  • integration in both actual power systems scenarios (with mixed classic and power electronics-based generation) and future ones with high degree of RES penetration

Further information

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August 8, 2023

IEA ISGAN Annual Report 2022 released

With its strong emphasis on collaboration, ISGAN brings together countries from five continents spanning both developed and emerging economies. This diverse membership creates a truly cooperative environment, with members willing to share knowledge, strategies, and best practices to inform policymakers at regional, national, and international level. The Annual Report 2022 provides an overview of ISGAN’s ongoing research activities and main achievements towards Smart Grid development and deployment to ensure a reliable, economically competitive and environmentally sustainable electricity system as the cornerstone of a modern society.

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August 2, 2023


Register now for the Workshop taking place on the 29th of September in Utrecht, the Netherlands and engage in discussion and collaboration to address the topics related to flexibility and power system resilience.

The electrical energy system is transitioning in the way that electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed. Due to these changes, system operators are faced with various challenges (technical, ICT, regulatory and economic) to accommodate new technologies due to the drive toward modern power systems. However, these changes have also allowed for the increased opportunity for system development and the inclusion of new market players. Flexibility will provide network operators (together with other stakeholders such as prosumers, aggregators, etc.) with the possibly to increase the stability of the electrical system and ensure the safe, secure and reliably of supply. Stakeholder interaction is key to facilitate and enable the integration and utilization of flexibility in future power systems. Furthermore, flexibility has traditionally been utilised in the operation stage, for balancing power flows, solve congestions, maintain stability; now, the next level of flexibility can be defined and deployed since the power system planning stage, being integrated into procedures for long-term planning and correspondent market mechanisms for procuring and adequately reward the flexibility providers also in terms of resilience increase.


  • Engage in discussion and collaboration to address the topics related to flexibility and power system resilience
  • Share experiences and lessons learned based on the outcomes of various pilot projects related to stakeholder interaction
  • Share best practices on the topic of “Flexibility for resilience” in integrated systems, through collaboration.
  • The information collected from the workshop will be incorporated into dissemination material (policy briefs, discussion paper, etc)

When? 29th of September 09:00-15:00 Where? Koningsbergerstraat 9, 3531 AJ  Utrecht, the Netherlands


 09:00 09:15 Welcome and introduction
09:15 10:00 Presentation 1: Flexibility for resilience

Presentation 2: Stakeholder interaction

10:00 10:15 Break
10:15 12:00 Interactive session – Part 1
12:00 12:30 Lunch
12:30 15:00 Interactive session – Part 2
15:00 End

***Note: Due to limited seating capacity we cannot guarantee that your registration will allow for your participation in the workshop. Workshop participants will receive an official confirmation.


Irina Oleinikova: irina.oleinikova[at]
Barbara Herndler: barbara.herndler[at]

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July 29, 2023

WEBINAR: The grid planning process as an enabler for the energy transition

19 September 2023 14:00 CEST - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar on the grid planning process as an enabler for the energy transition

This webinar presents the challenges and solutions related to the long term grid planning process in order to have a process that is an enabler for the energy transition.

Different aspects are considered such as:

  • How to handle uncertainty, complexity, new risks and threats
    • what to consider and tools to use
  • What regulatory adaptations are required?
  • How to maintain a competent, capable and resilient workforce?
  • How to ensure efficient stakeholder interaction?

The webinar will also provide information about the knowledge sharing process.

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Intended audience

The foreseen audience of this webinar are policy makers and stakeholders that impacts or are impacted by the grid planning process: Network operators (TSO/DSO), network planning engineers, researchers, regulators, etc.

Key messages

To overcome the complexities and uncertainties challenging the grid planning efficient, transparent and legitimate planning processes are required that are guided by sound principles and effective steering mechanisms.

It is critical that grid planning aligns with and acts as an enabler for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) e.g. regarding scenarios utilized and grid development plans developed.

Existing cost-benefit analyses should be updated to properly capture the values of sufficient grid capacity and account for social, environmental, and resilience metrics.

Stakeholder interaction is needed at all levels of the grid planning process and in co-creating solutions, methods and tools that are needed to manage the various challenges.

Further information

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ISGAN has launched a new Policy Brief focusing on future-proofing grid planning processes to accelerate the energy transition. The Policy Brief was developed as part of the ISGAN knowledge sharing project (KSP) on Network Planning under Uncertainty and was launched at an official side event during the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM-14) /Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-8), hosted in Goa, India. The event was hosted by the Indian Ministry of Power and the Department of Science and Technology.

The key policy messages of the Policy Brief were presented during an official side event to CEM-14/MI-8 titled: “CEM ISGAN – MI GPFM collaboration for power system transformation, with special focus on policy and private sector engagement.”

For further information on the Network Planning Under Uncertainty project, please contact:

  • Helena Lindquist, ISGAN Communication Working Group, Task 3: Structured Knowledge Exchange
  • Susanne Ackeby, ISGAN Working Group 6, Power Transmission & Distribution Systems

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July 19, 2023

The 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and 8th Mission Innovation meeting (CEM14/MI-8)

The 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and 8th Mission Innovation meeting (CEM14/MI-8) is scheduled to take place in Goa, India between 19th to 22nd of July, 2023.

Scheduled on the margins of the G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting (ETMM), this year’s Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and Mission Innovation (MI) meetings will bring together, governments, international organizations, private sector, academia, innovators, civil society, and early career researchers and policymakers over a four-day program featuring high-level ministerial dialogues, global initiative launches, award announcements, minister-CEO roundtables, and a wide array of side-events cutting across diverse themes of clean energy transition. CEM14/MI8 will also feature a public facing technology showcase demonstrating cutting edge advances in clean energy from India and around the world.

ISGAN will organize several events during the meeting:

CEM ISGAN – MI GPFM collaboration for power system transformation, with special focus on policy and private sector engagement

Date 20 July 2023
Time 09:00-10:30 [90mins]
Venue Salao 3


Power systems transformation is a core pillar of net zero transitions and a key CEM-MI focus.
The event will showcase the collaboration between ISGAN and the GPFM following to the MoU signature at CEM13/MI-7 in Pittsburgh. The event will also represent a great opportunity to explore effective ways to drive the public-private sector engagement, as well as to underline the commitment of private sector stakeholders on the ISGAN and GPFM activities. The GPFM will showcase its innovation strategy and Flagship Projects’ activities, while ISGAN will present its last outcomes and will release the KSP workshop/Inter-Working Groups reports. The event will also bring together Minister-level/Senior Officials and CEOs/CTOs in a collaborative environment to express their thoughts, opinions, and perspectives for advancing private sector engagement.
The outcomes from this side event are meant to bolster GPFM and ISGAN collaboration supporting the flexibility of the power market and digitalization of the electricity grid.

CEM-MI collaboration for technology innovation and implementation, policy, and regulatory actions to rapidly decarbonize power systems

Date 20 July 2023
Time 1500-1630 [90mins]
Venue Salao 2


The event will showcase collaboration among ISGAN, 21CPP, GPFM, and RD20, as well as the challenges towards power system decarbonization. It will include 1 keynote/scene setting presentation by IEA or IRENA. ISGAN, 21CPP, GPFM, and RD20 will showcase their synergy and innovation strategy, main activities, and related outcomes. A high-level Roundtable on power will be held, addressing implementation, technology innovation, and policy and regulatory actions to rapidly decarbonize power systems. Concluding remarks/key recommendations will be provided by 21CPP and/or ISGAN and/or GPFM and/or RD20 Leads.

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July 19, 2023

Join us for the 9th ISGAN Awards of Excellence

Attending #CEM14MI8 in Goa, India? Join us for the 9th ISGAN Awards of Excellence, sponsored by the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), in partnership with the Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF).

Friday 21st July, 17:30 to 18:30, Ballroom 1

Each year, the ISGAN awards recognize the innovation, integration, and transformation of smart grid systems and policy. This year, we recognize projects that demonstrated excellence in the application of Artificial Intelligence in the electricity sector. The winners and honorees represent a range of fascinating AI applications that include detecting and diagnosing future incidents in the grid, developing and validating virtual power plants to support peer-to-peer market participation, improving the financial and operational efficiency of distribution system operators, and forecasting for distributed energy resources (DERs).

Stay tuned for our announcements, interviews, and webinars with the winners of this year’s awards.


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The ongoing energy transition brings about profound changes to electricity generation, transmission, and consumption. As societies strive for zero carbon emissions and increasingly rely on electrification, substantial investments must be made to upgrade and expand electricity grids. This includes adopting new digital smart grid technologies. In this era of rapid grid infrastructure transformation, efficient, transparent, and sustainable planning processes aligned with the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are crucial.

Recognizing the importance of effective grid planning processes for building sustainable electricity grids, ISGAN has undertaken the knowledge sharing project (KSP) titled “Network Planning Under Uncertainty” from September 2022 to July 2023. This project brought together a group of experts and practitioners from 12 countries, along with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), to exchange knowledge and collaboratively develop policy guidance that supports the establishment of robust network planning practices worldwide.

Throughout the project, representatives from transmission and distribution system operators, policymakers, and research institutions engaged in a structured and highly interactive process. They focused on identifying some of the root causes and consequences of various types of uncertainties and complexities in the grid planning process. With the Sustainable Development Goals as the guiding framework, the project then identified key objectives and success factors aimed to address barriers and bottlenecks in network planning.

A significant outcome of the Network Planning Under Uncertainty project is a Policy Brief that serves as a guiding document for policymakers and stakeholders in the sector. This Policy Brief provides actionable recommendations to develop future-proof planning processes, including effective management of uncertainties and complexities inherent in electricity infrastructure.

By leveraging the collective expertise and experiences of diverse stakeholders, the ISGAN Policy Brief offers guidance for policymakers and sector stakeholders to navigate the complexities of grid planning, paving the way for resilient, sustainable, and future-ready electricity infrastructure.

For further information on the Network Planning Under Uncertainty project, please contact:

  • Helena Lindquist, ISGAN Communication Working Group, Task 3: Structured Knowledge Exchange
  • Susanne Ackeby, ISGAN Working Group 6, Power Transmission & Distribution Systems

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May 22, 2023

WEBINAR: Enhancing cross-border power connections: the FARCROSS & TRINITY experience

15 June 2023 13:00 CEST - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites you to this webinar on the FARCROSS & TRINITY projects experience.

Cross-border power flow capacities are identified as key enablers of market integration in Europe, and thus one of the main facilitators of the integration of renewable energy. Horizon2020 projects FARCROSS and TRINITY aims to enhance the cross-border capacities in the South-Eeastern European region, using optimalization solutions and grid enhancing technologies.

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Intended audience

– Policy makers (regional, EU)
– Other Horizon project consortiums
– TSOs
– Other experts in the smart energy domain

Key messages

1) Cross – border power transmission connections in the SEE countries typically suffer from congestion, lack of contingency and market inconsistencies. At the same time, the available RES aren’t injected to the transmission corridors in a cost – effective and secure way, making the need for transmission asset upgrade vital.

2) The 2 projects – FARCROSS and TRINITY – are developing and testing solutions with a different approach. On a software level, T – SENTINEL (TRINITY) remedies grid overloading conditions,. On a hardware level, among other solutions, SmartValves (FARCROSS) are introduced as a means to divert power flows from congested lines. The utilization of both technologies can be expected to offer significant improvements in terms of flexibility, making the cross-border connections more robust and adaptive to the evolution of the electrical power industry.

Further information

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March 31, 2023

Webinar: ISGAN Award 2022 – Excellence of EV Integration in Smart Grid

20 April 2023 - 10:00 CEST - ISGAN Virtual Learning invites to this webinar presenting the winners of the 8th ISGAN Award competition

The annual ISGAN Awards of Excellence recognize excellence in smart grid projects around the world. At the 8th Award competition, ISGAN honored excellence on the theme: “EV Integration in Smart Grid,” in partnership with the Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF).

The honorees will share project highlights that can be adapted or adopted in other markets and regions. By showcasing exemplars in the global smart grid community, the event will promote exchange of lessons learned and emerging best practice, as well as the creation of a shared understanding of the value that smarter, more flexible electricity systems can bring.

Intended audience

Policy makers, Junior / Senior engineers / Students

Key messages

In most low-carbon scenarios, electric vehicle (EV) integration is a critical vector for decarbonization of transport. However, effective EV integration presents a variety of high-stakes, technical challenges for electricity network operators that must be resolved for that promise to be realized at a speed and scale consistent with global climate and clean energy objectives. EV charging is a considerable load on the electric grid that can impact the power quality. This webinar would draw your attention to the role that smart grids play for making EV integration possible.

Further information

ISGAN Award 2022 – Excellence of EV Integration in Smart Grid

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March 29, 2023

25th meeting of the ISGAN Executive Committee

The 25th meeting of the ISGAN Executive Committee took place in Berlin, Germany from 20th-22nd March 2023.

ISGAN Vice-Chair Wickie Lassen Agdal

ISGAN welcomes its new Vice-Chair Wickie Lassen Agdal, delegate from Denmark. Wickie has been programme manager with the Danish Energy Agency since 2017 and has been the national delegate for Denmark in ISGAN since 2019. Wickie says that she embraces her new role as ISGAN Vice Chair as the experience in the ExCo so far has been very enlightening – Her hope is to get more involved, and she will contribute with her knowledge about the topic of Smart Grids and the electricity system. Apart from the new Vice-Chair, ISGAN’s leadership team currently consists of one Chair, Luciano Martini, Italy and two vice-Chairs Russell Conklin, USA and Arun Kumar Mishra, India.

ISGAN also welcomed a  guest participant, Emily Mitchell from the Photovoltaic Power Systems TCP (PVPS) who provided an overview of the recent highlights and publications based on current topics of PVPS. Furthermore, ISGAN’s input was sought for setting up a new task in PVPS concerning system integration of PV.

One focus of the meeting was the six Working Groups of ISGAN. Their strengths and challenges were focused on and further even stronger cooperation between the working groups on an urgent topic is planned.

Further plans were made for ISGAN to contribute with several highly relevant workshops to the upcoming Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Events in India later this year.

Two Side-Events completed the ExCo meeting. The first took place before the meeting and focused on the national priorities and strategies of ISGAN’s participating countries. Valuable input from this side-event provided the foundation for further discussions and steered the direction for topics in which ISGAN should increase its focus.

The second side event was the Knowledge Sharing Project workshop on Network Planning under Uncertainties. More details about this workshop and the whole project with high international participation can be found here.

The Executive Committee of ISGAN will reconvene for the 26th meeting in September 2023 in The Netherlands.

ISGAN Executive Committee Members during ExCo 25 in Berlin

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March 17, 2023

Characterization of the Electric Energy System in view of Flexibility Usage – Technical Report

In the framework of the IEA TCP International Smart Grids Action Network (ISGAN), Working Group 9 aims at identifying challenges and opportunities of flexibility markets related to operational planning. Therefore, this report presents a comprehensive review of the current electricity systems of Austria, Canada, India, and Korea.

A survey has been conducted that aims at laying the basis for a common understanding of international market designs and different flexibility services that are currently in use. To capture the whole picture, the topic of market design was split into three subtopics, covering general market design, flexibility market design, and flexibility services for system operators. Each of these topics is made accessible by several questions that have been answered by the respective countries, enabling the Working Group to understand presently used market designs and flexibility services. We find that the design of electricity markets differs significantly between European and non-European countries, thus presenting a wide range of challenges to the countries in question. Consequently, there are no general-purpose solutions for the successful implementation of flexibility markets related to operational planning. However, several common issues were identified and will be investigated in the further course of the work of Working Group 9 through stakeholder interviews from participating countries.

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February 6, 2023

Flexibility harvesting and its impact on stakeholders interaction – final report

Globally, the energy sector is continuously striving towards the most reliable, cost- effective environmentally friendly production, transmission and distribution of energy. Recent regulatory frameworks have prompted the urgent strive to become carbon neutral and with an increase in the transition to sustainable energy resources.

Within the ever-changing modern power system, power flows are increasingly transitioning towards becoming controllable and bi-directional. The modern power systems are faced with increased challenges pertaining to the integration of new technologies and devices. On the one hand, the need to integrate highly volatile and decentralised renewable energy sources (such as photovoltaic and wind), while on the other hand, power systems are seeing an increase in loads and capacity due to electrification of the transport, storage and heating/cooling sector (e.g., electric vehicles and heat pumps). Additionally, a change in consumer behaviour and evolving markets are also influencing this transition Such activities create increasing complexities and challenges due to the unpredictability in power flows within the power system. In order to overcome these challenges, system operators are relying on the use of flexibility which offer a wide range of opportunities and sought-after solution by providing a wide range of important services, which can enable system operators in operating their networks in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. However, utilisation of these resources to their full potential requires increased coordination between all relevant stakeholders in the power system. This increased interaction will not only allow for system operators to support each other in the optimal use of their respective grids, but also ensure that operating strategies in one network do not have any negative impact on the other. Furthermore, increased interactions with large and small system end users will allow for increased participation and therefore increased opportunities available from flexible resources.

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February 6, 2023

Flexibility harvesting and its impact on stakeholder interaction – Explained

Within the global context, the electrical energy system is transitioning in the way that electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed. Due to these changes, system operators are faced with various challenges (technical, ICT, regulatory and economic) to accommodate new technologies due to the drive toward modern power systems. However, these changes have also allowed for the increased opportunity for system development and the inclusion of new market players. Flexibility will provide network operators (together with other stakeholders such as prosumers, aggregators, etc.) with the possibility to increase the stability of the electrical system and ensure a safe, secure and reliable supply. Stakeholder interaction is key to facilitate and enable the integration and utilization of flexibility in future power systems.

The following video presents the concepts related to the electricity transition and the challenges faced by system operators when integrating flexibility into their networks. Furthermore, through the implementations of coordination schemes, systems operators can work together in order to ensure the safe, secure and reliable electric systems of the future.

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Building on the successes of past knowledge sharing projects on smart grid solutions, ISGAN has now embarked on an ambitious international initiative focused on how to best achieve adequate power grids in line with global sustainable development goals.

Engaging representatives from Transmission and Distribution System Operators, policy makers and research institutions in 13 countries as well as IRENA (the International Renewable Energy Agency), the Network Planning and Decision-Making under Uncertainty project deep-dives into the complex, multifaceted, and challenging task of developing network infrastructure as an enabler of low-carbon electricity, in a quickly evolving energy landscape.

During the first stages of the knowledge sharing process, experts have shared their insights and experiences regarding the sources and nature of uncertainty and complexity in network planning. The project now turns to co-creating concrete and globally relevant policy advice aimed to increase the ability of relevant stakeholders to deal with the inherent uncertainty and complexity in the network planning process.


The year-long project that kicked off in September 2022, involves a series of interlinked activities, including both digital and in-person workshops, as well as analytical tasks. The objective is to produce actionable policy advice in time for the next Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM14, July 2023 in Bengaluru, India). Next up is an intensive and highly interactive 2-day workshop in Berlin, 23-24 March, held in conjunction with the 25th meeting of the ISGAN Executive Committee.


For more information, please contact:

  • ISGAN Communication Working Group/Structured Knowledge Exchange: Helena Lindquist
  • ISGAN Working Group 6, Power Transmission & Distribution Systems: Susanne Ackeby


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