Network Planning and Decision-Making under Uncertainty - Discussion Paper and Policy Brief

Recognizing the pivotal role of electrical grids in achieving net-zero emissions and addressing a wide spectrum of ecological, social, and economic aspects of sustainable development, ISGAN Working Group 6 joined forces with the ISGAN Communication Working Group, to spearhead a collaborative knowledge sharing project (KSP) on Network Planning and Decision-Making under Uncertainty.

This initiative aimed to collate global insights on challenges and solutions in grid planning, ensuring that power grids can effectively contribute to the SDGs. The project involved researchers, policy makers and representatives from both transmission and distribution system operators and the focal question encapsulated the overarching objective: How can power grids be strategically developed to align with, and contribute to the global sustainable development goals?

The project explored diverse long-term considerations in grid planning, addressing effective management of inherent uncertainty and complexity, the co-evolution of regulatory frameworks, workforce development, and heightened stakeholder coordination throughout the planning process. This report provides a detailed account of the collaborative process, the methodologies applied, and the outcomes achieved at each stage, with focus on explaining the meaning and context surrounding the synthesized policy messages that was the main outcome of the project.

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