IEA ISGAN Annual Report 2020 released

A particular challenge encountered during 2020 was to ensure that ISGAN continued to work successfully together as a network, despite the many challenges encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amongst many issues, this made the familiar ways of working simply impossible and new approaches had to be found. The overall success of ISGAN activites in 2020 reflects the network ability to manage and operate despite these great challenges, testifying the strengths and cohesion of this TCP.

Highlights of 2020 include:

  • Two very fruitful online Ex.Co. meetings, where the following topics were in the main focus:

1) Request for Extension and Strategy process(a strategy process for the preparation of the next phase of ISGAN).
2) Cooperation with other organizations, TCPs, and initiatives

  • Based on the successful Knowledge Transfer Project (KTP) approach developed within ISGAN since 2016, a new process design was developed for the Regulatory Sandbox 2.0 Project
  • Under the lead of the UK, a new Annex 9 on Flexibility Markets Development and Implementation was approved and officially started on January 26th, 2021.
  • The CEM Horizontal Accelerator for “Power System Integration of Electric Vehicle (EV) Infra-structure” is an innovative mechanism strengthening the collaboration and capitalizing on the synergies between four CEM workstreams: the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP), the Electric Vehicle Initiative (EVI) & the Power System Flexibility (PSF) Campaign.
  • ISGAN and the Power System Flexibility Campaign (PSF) organized a joint workshop “A holistic approach to low emission energy systems through the sector integration” This event took place as an official pre-event of the CEM11/MI-5 Ministerial meeting on Wednesday 16 September 2020.
  • The Smart Grid Evaluation Toolkit
  • In collaboration with Annex 2 and 7, Annex 4 supported the publication of policy messages on Innovative Regulatory Approaches with Focus on Experimental Sandboxes to Enable Smart Grid Deployment.
  • Public SIRFN Webinar on “Testing Methods and Certification Protocols of IEA-ISGAN:SIRFN”,  October 15th, 2020
  • SIRFN Fact Sheet  “ISGAN Annex 5 General Brochure”
  • Joint SIRFN and related SIRFN member publications
  • Micro grids vs Mega grids
  • Lessons learned from international projects on TSO-DSO interaction
  • inter-Annex Regulatory Sandboxes 2.0 project
  • The ISGAN Academy webinars
  • The ISGAN Award of Excellence
  • Capturing Flexibility in Local Energy Systems Workshop

For the full activity description feel free to download the latest issue of our Activity Report below.

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