April 24, 2020

Webinar: New business models for distribution grid stakeholders under high penetration of DER

In a context with high penetration of distributed energy resources, the smartening and digitalization of distribution grids enable unlocking the potential of distributed flexibilities. However, new business models are necessary to make this a reality. This webinar will explore some of these new business models, with a focus on four main agents, namely DSOs, aggregators, end-users, and data service providers. The challenges and opportunities for these stakeholders are discussed, with an emphasis on perspective of the DSO as neutral market facilitator and distribution system optimizer. The work presented in this webinar is part of the European H2020 project Integrid (https://integrid-h2020.eu/).

May 19, 2020 02:00 PM in Brussels

Duration: 1h

The webinar mainly targets DSOs, and potential flexibility providers (VPPs, aggregators, flexible consumers), but it is also relevant to all other stakeholders with an interest in the topics of smart distribution grids, local flexibility services and aggregation. These includes, but is not limited to: regulators, academics and researchers on these topics, retailers, or software and data service providers.

Key messages:
• New business models and solutions are necessary to unlock the full potential of distributed flexibilities and metering data.
• These business models open both new challenges and opportunities for several stakeholders such as DSOs, end-users, aggregators or data service providers.
• The DSO in particular will have a central role as market facilititator and system optimizer.


Ricardo Prata                             Rafael Cossent                          Ricardo Bessa

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January 21, 2020

Common Information Model 2020

The 1st annual Common Information Model conference takes place 21-23 January 2020 in Amsterdam and draws together 100+ leading CIM implementers for 3 intensive days of case-study reviews.

This end-user driven, implementation focused conference will include 14+ utility case-studies and will scrutinise the most timely and critical issues facing utilities as they begin and, in some cases, continue to implement CIM. Discussions will focus on applying each protocol within the CIM standard, implementation, the CIM Working Group, configuration and interoperability, new tools and technologies, testing, and the progression of CIM as a standard.

Alongside the case-study programme, there is a utility strategy panel session, a technology innovation panel discussion, intimate end-user round table debates, a live demo lab of the latest systems and solutions, and an evening networking reception open to all participants.


For more information and to register:

Call: +44 (0)20 3691 1700

Email: registration@smartgrid-forums.com

Visit: https://www.smartgrid-forums.com/CIM20ISGANL

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January 20, 2020

World Utility Summit 3rd Edition

World Utility Summit 2020 across the globe will bring thought leaders to deliberate the preparedness of utilities to deal with the transformational changes in electricity ecosystem

World Utility Summit is coming back in 2020 with theme Utility Next for electricity utilities. The electricity ecosystem is undergoing an unprecedented transformation with the proliferation of renewables, distributed generation of resources and electric vehicles on one side and consumer activism and regulatory pressures on other. These developments can help utilities to embrace the complexities of the network and to prepare to drive decisions based on probabilities and real-time data.




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