- Bob Darwin, Australia
- Jerry O’Sullivan, Ireland
- Georges Simard, Canada
- Oscar Miranda, Mexico
- Giovanna Dondossola, Italy
- Reji Kumar Pillai, India
- Ikuo Kurihara, Japan
- Steve Hauser, United States
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Country (Region) | Belgium (Europe) | |
Organisation | Global Smart Grid Federation (http://www.globalsmartgridfederation.org) |
Function / Position | Executive Director | |
Ronnie Belmans received his MSc degree in electrical engineering in 1979 and a PhD degree in 1984, both from KU Leuven, Belgium. In 1989 he added a Special Doctorate from the KULeuven and in 1993 a ‘Habilitierung’, from the RWTH, Aachen, Germany. Currently, Ronnie Belmans is full professor at KU Leuven, teaching techno-economical aspects of power systems, electrical energy and regulatory affairs, among others. His research interests include smart grids, security of energy supply and the techno-economic aspects of the liberalization of the electricity market.
Within Belgium, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ronnie Belmans is vice president of the KU Leuven Energy Institute(http://set.kuleuven.be/ei) as well as cofounder and CEO of EnergyVille (http://www.energyville.be/en), a research collaboration in Genk specializing in energy in smart cities and buildings, in cooperation with VITO and imec. On a global scale he is executive director of the Global Smart Grids Federation (GSGF) Ronnie Belmans is also honorary chairman of the board of directors of ELIA, the Belgian transmission system operator. |
Bob Darwin |
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Country (Region) | Australia (Oceania) | |
Organisation | Ergon Energy (https://www.ergon.com.au) |
Function / Position | Manager, Emerging Opportunities & Emerging Markets | |
Bob leads Ergon Energy’s future strategic positioning and engagement with emerging opportunities/markets at a critical time in the evolution of new technologies and business models for the utilities globally.
Bob joined Ergon from Clarity International, where as VP Global Utilities, he established a new global utilities business. Prior to Clarity, Bob ran MCBT Consulting Group, where he advised many Australian and international corporate, and start-ups, across the telecommunications and smart grid sectors. Bob has worked in Senior Management roles in key strategic, corporate, new venture, marketing and sales roles across the utilities and telecommunications sectors. Bob is Vice President and Director on the Board of Smart Grid Australia, and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. |
Georges Simard |
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Country (Region) | Canada (North America) | |
Organisation | S.I.M.A.R.D. SG Inc. (http://simardsmartgrid.com) |
Function / Position | President | |
Georges Simard is president of S.I.M.A.R.D. SG, a consultancy company based in Québec, Canada.
Before SIMARD SG, Georges worked for Hydro-Quebec from 1981 to 2011 as a Development Engineer for the Distribution Network Division. During these 30 years he contributed to the writing of internal technical standards of Hydro-Québec’s distribution network including planning, system protection, Distributed Generation integration and Power Quality. From 2005 to 2011 years, he was responsible for developing the Hydro-Quebec Distribution Roadmap including Smart Grid applications. He also supported EPRI’s Smart Distribution Research program from 2009 to 2012. He also was Editor in Chief of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Power and Energy Society (PES) long term vision (GridVision 2050) released in April 2013. He has served on several technical and standards committees (IEC, IEEE/PES, CEA, CEATI, EPRI, and etc.) and he is a Senior Member of IEEE. |
Giovanna Dondossola |
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Country (Region) | Italy (Europe) | |
Organisation | Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE SpA) | |
Function / Position | Senior Scientist, ICT and Cyber Security in Power Systems | |
Giovanna Dondossola received her MSc Degree in Information Science from the University of Milan in 1987.
She is currently a Senior Scientist at the Transmission and Distribution Technologies Department of the RSE research company where she technically manages and leads national and European projects on the evaluation of cyber risks in energy system communications. She has more than 25 years of experience in resilient architectures for power systems and along the years she has been active as Project Manager and Technical Leader in several European Projects regarding communications for substation protection, automation and control in distribution grids supporting emergency management and connecting distributed energy resources. She is being active in several European Projects as Project Manager of the CRUTIAL (CRitical UTility InfrastructurAL resilience) FP6 Project and the SoES (Security of Energy Systems) EPCIP Project, and as the RSE technical staff responsible of the SmartC2Net (Smart Control of Energy Distribution Grids over Heterogeneous Communication Networks) FP7 Project. Since 2000, she is responsible for the ResTest Lab for the resilience testing of grid control networks evaluating redundant architectures and cyber security standard solutions, also registered in the ERNCIP Inventory on European security experimental and testing facilities of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission. She has been an active member of several Cigrè SC D2 Working Groups on information systems and telecommunication security since 2004. She has been recently selected as a member of the Energy Expert Cyber Security Platform expert group established in December 2015 by the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission to provide guidance to the Commission on policy and regulatory directions at the European level. She has been contributing to the smart grid standardization activities under the European Mandate M/490 since 2011 acting as a member of the CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Working Group on Information Security of the Smart Grid Coordination Group and the following Working Group on Cyber Security and Privacy of the Smart Energy Grid Coordination Group, where she is currently leading the Applied Cyber Security Work Package. Since 2013 she is a member of the IEC Technical Committee 57 Working Group 15 developing security standards for power system communications. At the national level, she serves as a Secretary of the CT 57 on power system communications and is a member of the CEI CT 313 on Smart Energy Systems. She co-authored about 100 publications in international conferences, journals and books, and made several speeches and lectures at panels and courses. |
Ikuo Kurihara |
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Country (Region) | Japan (Asia) | |
Organisation | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) (http://criepi.denken.or.jp/en/) |
Function / Position | Executive Research Scientist | |
Ikuo Kurihara was born on June 5, 1953. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1976, and received Master’s and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1979 and 1982, respectively.
He joined Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in 1982. From 1986 to 1987, he was a visiting researcher of University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, U.S.A. From 2008 to 2013, he was an associate vice president and a director of System Engineering Research Laboratory of CRIEPI. He has been an Executive Research Scientist in CRIEPI since 2013. His main research field is planning and operation of power systems including Smart Grid technologies. He was the president of Power and Energy Society of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) from 2008 to 2010, and was a vice president of IEEJ from June, 2013 to May, 2014. |
Jerry O’Sullivan |
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Country (Region) | Ireland (Europe) | |
Organisation | ESB (http://www.esbi.ie) |
Function / Position | Deputy Chief Executive | |
Jerry O’Sullivan was appointed as the Deputy Chief Executive of ESB Ltd in October 2014. Prior to this, he was Managing Director, ESB Networks Ltd. and is chairman of the Board of ESB Ltd.
His role as Deputy Chief Executive includes group wide responsibility for safety, health and well-being, strategy, regulation, risk, internal audit, Public relations, Northern Ireland Electricity, and SIRO the new joint venture with Vodafone. He joined ESB in 1981 and held a number of positions in Power Station Construction, Distribution and Transmission, Retail, Contracting, Marketing and Customer Service. In 2002, he was appointed as the Head of Network Services, and became the Head of Sustainability and Network systems in 2008. He holds a degree in civil engineering from University College Cork. |
Oscar Miranda |
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Country (Region) | Mexico (North America) | |
Organisation | Smart Grid Mexico (http://www.smartgridmexico.org/en/home-1) |
Function / Position | Co-founder and Chairman | |
Oscar Miranda is a professional in Energy and Information Technologies (ITC) applied to the energy sector in Mexico and Latin America (LATAM) with more than 23 years of experience.
He has been encouraging and promoting the Smart Grid development in Mexico and LATAM in the last five years, performing as a speaker in international events and also an advisor in several companies regarding to LATAM Energy Sector, Smart Grid communications, Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Cyber Security for Industrial Systems. Oscar Miranda is the co-founder and Chairman of Smart Grid Mexico, a non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage the development and establishment of smart grids in Mexico regarding reliability, efficiency, security and sustainability principles. Smart Grid México is working to link together public and private institutions in order to encourage the harmonic growth of Smart Grid solutions in Mexico preserving the public interest. Smart Grid México is member of Global Smart Grid Federation, where Oscar is a Board of Directors member. He was employed at Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) for 22 years, where he held various positions regarding ICT and Smart Grid Projects. Recently, he was responsible of Corporate IT Security (CISO), Corporate Software Strategy and Smart Grid IT perspective in CFE. He has been a member of several working groups and intergovernmental committees regarding IT, as a representative of the energy sector. He was also a member of Federal IT Security committee, where he worked on the Industrial Control Systems Security and Critical Infrastructure. Oscar has a degree in Computing Engineering from National University in Mexico (UNAM), and also has studied Leadership, Innovation, Strategy and Corporate Government in several universities in Mexico and USA. Currently, he has a master degree in Energy Management and Renewable Sources at Technological Institute of Higher Studies at Monterrey, Mexico (ITESM). |
Reji Kumar Pillai |
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Country (Region) | India (Asia) | |
Organisation | India Smart Grid Forum (http://www.indiasmartgrid.org) |
Function / Position | President | |
Reji Kumar Pillai is the President of India Smart Grid Forum and an internationally renowned expert with over three decades of experience in the electricity sector in diverse functions covering the entire value chain and across continents. He is spearheading a mission to leverage technology to transform the electric grid in India and light every home at affordable cost through sustainable developmental models. Reji played a pivotal role in formulation of the Smart Grid Vision & Roadmap for India (August 2013) and the launch of a National Smart Grid Mission (March 2015) by Government of India, issue of Model Smart Grid Regulations (June 2015) by Forum of Regulators, and issue of Standards for Smart Meters (IS 16444-2015 in August 2015) by Bureau of Indian Standards. He is presently advocating for a “Right to Electricity Act” that will ensure lifeline supply of electricity to all households in the country. His current areas of research include: leveraging smart grid assets as anchor infrastructure for building smarter cities at marginal cost, development of Smart City Maturity Model, demonstration of smart microgrids that can participate in demand response market, and appropriate electric vehicle infrastructure solutions for India.
As an entrepreneur, Reji has built successful enterprises in India and overseas and exited them. Presently, he is the Founder and Managing Director of Magnetar Venture, an Indian-focused cleantech fund to foster innovation in clean technologies with a vision to build globally successful enterprises out of India in the emerging cleantech revolution. Reji has studied Engineering, Finance, Management and Law, worked with NTPC and IBM, and been a senior consultant with ADB, World Bank and USAID. As a recognized thought leader in smart grid technologies, he is a popular key-note speaker at international symposiums and conferences on smart grids and smart cities. He has also contributed to several articles and books. |
Steve Hauser |
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Country (Region) | The United States (North America) | |
Organisation | GridWise Alliance (http://www.gridwise.org) |
Function / Position | CEO | |
Steve Hauser has been recently appointed as CEO of the GridWise Alliance®, a national industry led organization that promotes the modernization of the nation’s electricity infrastructure. He is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on transforming the power sector to meet future economic, environmental, and energy security mandates. For more than 30 years, he has been a leader in clean energy and smart grid technology development efforts including solar, wind, batteries, electric vehicles, GIS software, geothermal, microgrids, fuel cells, and building energy efficiency. He recently authored the lead chapter in a book titled “Smart Grid: Integrating Renewable, Distributed and Efficient Energy” published by Academic Press.
Steve Hauser was the driving force behind the creation of the GridWise® Alliance, the Global Smart Grid Federation, and related smart grid organizations. Since 2000, he has brought together hundreds of companies to create a broad industry vision to transform the electricity sector, policies, markets, and technologies. He has also led the creation of new international brands like GridWise® and GRID 21TM significantly raising the visibility of these issues with federal and state policy makers. He participated as a key advisor to the National Science and Technology Council’s Smart Grid Task Force resulting in the White House release of the “Policy Framework for a 21st Century Grid”. He held senior management positions at various companies and U.S. Department of Energy laboratories. |