Brazil Joins ISGAN, Expanding Global Collaboration

Brazil's ISGAN membership was made official on 6 December 2023, during a signing ceremony at COP28 in Dubai (UAE)

We are delighted to announce that Brazil has become the newest member of the ISGAN community.  Brazil’s membership not only signifies its commitment to fostering innovative international partnerships but also expands ISGAN’s reach across six continents, enabling the entire ISGAN community to better address grid challenges worldwide.


The new membership was made official on 6 December 2023, during the COP28 in Dubai (UAE). The signing ceremony was attended by members of the Brazilian National Electric System Operator (ONS), who attended on behalf of Brazil: Luiz Carlos Ciocchi, CEO, and Christiano Vieira da Silva, Operation Director. Also attending were Luciano Martini, Chair of ISGAN, John Ward, Vice Chair of ISGAN, and Francesco Corvaro, the Italian Special Envoy for Climate Change. The ceremony underscored the importance of Brazil’s inclusion and the collective determination to identify emerging advances, share best practices, and raise high-level government awareness of the value and impact of smarter grids.

Luciano Martini, Chair of ISGAN, expressed his appreciation of Brazil’s inclusion, stating, “We have now acquired a very valuable Brazilian partner that can assist ISGAN in comprehending and addressing grid challenges alongside innovation-specific needs, with a focus on South American countries.” Through collaborations with strategic partners like the International Energy Agency (IEA), Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), and others, ISGAN aims to drive the development of smarter grids globally. Brazil promises to broaden ISGAN’s perspective on integrating high shares of renewables and facilitating regional energy trade.

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