24th ISGAN Executive Committee Meeting

From 26th to 28th of October, 2022 the 24th ISGAN Exco meeting took place in Adelaide, Australia. It was our first face-to-face meeting in over two years and we are grateful to be together again!

The regained personal interaction was particularly well utilized through a session in the World Café, during which highlights of the working groups were presented and discussed. This session encouraged close interaction between the Working Group Managers and ExCo members. ExCo members made suggestions based on their national strategies and goals on what they believe working groups should consider in their subsequent Programmes of Work.

Another session focused on ISGAN´s interaction with the IEA and other Technology Collaboration Programmes, the Mission Innovation Green Powered Future Mission, and the Clean Energy Ministerial. Indeed, one of ISGAN’s key activities is centered around engaging and cooperating with external stakeholders and initiatives to align aims, avoid overlaps, and share knowledge.

Overall, it was great to catch up with old friends and meet new experts and representatives. We’re already preparing for ExCo 25 set for March 2023 in Berlin!



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