Webinar - IEC61850 standard: what for, which benefits, what pending challenges? How is the Osmose project contributing?

3 May 2021 15:00 CEST - This webinar introduces the IEC61850 standard on communication protocols for intelligent electronic devices at electrical substations, and its benefits. The interoperability needs and issues are presented, as well as the IEC61850 scope and structure, its applications fields, and complementarity with other standards. It concludes on the ongoing developments within the OSMOSE project for the standard’s implementation (subject of a second webinar).

Intended audience

Non experts but potential users of the standard, from TSO, DSO, DER project developers, to components manufacturers.


Key messages

  • The IEC61850 is an international standard defining rules and guidelines for substation protection and automation system communication, configuration and testing, supported by a data model and a configuration language.
  • The IEC61850 standard provides an engineering process to allow efficient device configuration.
  • Osmose provides and demonstrates the required extensions for engineering process extensions to support an efficient top-down end-to-end engineering process from concept and specification to configuration.
  • Osmose provides recommendations for IEC61850 WG10 in order to integrate the projects developments into a future release of the standard.


  • Have you ever heard of the IEC61850 standard?
  • Are you applying it in your substations?
  • How do you go from specification to IED configuration? Do you consider this as an efficient process?
  • Where do you believe improvements on engineering processes can be made?
  • Where do you believe improvements on the IEC61850 standard can be made?

Join the webinar: 2021-05-03 at h 15:00 CEST (UTC+2)

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