When: 9 Sep 2020 @ 14:00 CEST
Duration: 1 hour
Targeted audience: Policy makers, grid operators (TSO, DSO), junior engineers and students, senior engineers.
Storage and flexible exercise of big industrial and tertiary loads can be an alternative to plan the build-up of new lines. However, a new methodology is necessary in order to assess the best grid planning strategy, in term of an analysis of techno-economic optimum in the system perspective. There are strong regulatory signals prompting European system operators to consider flexible resources as a new important active subject in the grid expansion planning process for the system operators. Despite considerable efforts from ENTSO-E to develop common methodologic principles, there are still several missing elements in the puzzle. On some issues there is a clear disagreement between TSOs and DSOs, like for example costs allocation principles. Regarding the evolution of roles and responsibilities, in a 10-20 years' timeframe it is likely that TSOs will remain responsible for system balancing and congestion management in their respective networks, while DSOs will be allowed to deal with congestion in their own distribution network. Meanwhile the European Commission has started the formalisation process of several new business actors, including so-called Citizens Energy Communities. The introduction of these new actors could change the landscape and roles/procedures applied both in the planning and in the operation phases.
When: 9 Sep 2020 @ 14:00 CEST
Duration: 1 hour
Targeted audience: Policy makers, grid operators (TSO, DSO), junior engineers and students, senior engineers.