It is with great pleasure that the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) invites the members of the Executive Committee and the Annex-Operating Agents to the 16th Executive Committee of the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) which will take place 15-17 October 2018, in Vienna (Austria).
Following the Executive Committee meeting, you can participate in the International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources (IRED 2018), taking place 17-19 October, as well as the new edition of the Knowledge Transfer (KTP) Workshop (October 18, afternoon – October 19, morning), which you are kindly invited to.
All Members of the Executive Committee and Annex-Operating Agents are asked to register for the ExCo meeting and for a reduced registration for IRED2018 in the for below. Please note that you need to create an account first and can then choose for which events to register for.